Neon Genesis Evangelion au cinéma...
Publié : 22 mai 2003, 12:29
Voilà, ben la rumeur se confirme, evangelion sera adapté en film live par ADV films en collaboration avec Gainax (producteur de la série animée) et WETA workshop (la boite qui a bossé sur les FX du seigneur des anneaux). Apparemment, aucun réalisateur n'est attaché au projet... Je me permet de craindre le pire... Enfin, tant que c'est pas les Washowski...
Source :
"CANNES, FRANCE, 19 May 2003—In an announcement sure to make waves in the entertainment industry, ADV Films President and CEO John Ledford today publicly confirmed industry rumors that the firm has acquired the rights to produce, and has already begun development of, a live-action feature-film based on the Japanese animated television series “Neon Genesis Evangelion,” a multi-million dollar worldwide franchise and perhaps the most influential anime title in the history of the art form. The project is a collaboration between ADV Films, Gainax and Weta Workshop, Ltd."
Source :
"CANNES, FRANCE, 19 May 2003—In an announcement sure to make waves in the entertainment industry, ADV Films President and CEO John Ledford today publicly confirmed industry rumors that the firm has acquired the rights to produce, and has already begun development of, a live-action feature-film based on the Japanese animated television series “Neon Genesis Evangelion,” a multi-million dollar worldwide franchise and perhaps the most influential anime title in the history of the art form. The project is a collaboration between ADV Films, Gainax and Weta Workshop, Ltd."